CUFP 2016
Sun 18 - Sat 24 September 2016 Nara, Japan
co-located with ICFP 2016
Sat 24 Sep 2016 16:40 - 17:05 at Noh Theater - Talks 5

Unikernels are an exciting new take on applications design and deployment. OCaml has been quietly forging ahead in the area with libraries like Mirage, whereby we can generate apps that operate at such a low level we don’t even need operating systems on the backend anymore (removing 15 million lines of memory-unsafe code) - while at the same time, maintaining more reliable software with less effort through lightweight type-checked code sharing between server, browser clients, & native mobile apps.

While much theory and effort has been put into building the basis of Mirage, deploying unikernels into production (whether on public clouds or private servers) remains a very artisanal experience. In the talk we’ll look at how the properties of Mirage unikernel enable us to rethink large sections of the app development lifecycle (apps that are MBs in size and boot in 50 milliseconds!), and also look at a case study of what it takes to move said unikernels to production with reliable testing, deployment, monitoring, and debug tooling.

Sat 24 Sep

Displayed time zone: Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo change

16:40 - 18:00
Talks 5CUFP at Noh Theater
Baby steps to unikernels in production
Media Attached
Hope is a Monad
Michael Sperber Active Group GmbH
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Day closing
Closing remarks
Katie Ots Facebook, Alex Lang Tsuru Capital