Wed 17 Jun 2015 16:50 - 17:15 at PLDI Main RED (Portland 256) - Potpourri Chair(s): Tiark Rompf

Despite decades of research on parsing, the construction of parsers remains a painstaking, manual process prone to subtle bugs and pitfalls. We present a programming-by-example framework called Parsify that is able to synthesize a parser from input/output examples. The user does not write a single line of code. To achieve this, Parsify provides: (a) an iterative algorithm for synthesizing and refining a grammar one example at a time, (b) an interface that provides immediate visual feedback in response to changes in the grammar being refined, and (c) a graphical mechanism for specifying example parse trees using only textual selections. We empically demonstrate the viability of our approach by using Parsify to construct parsers for source code drawn from Verilog, SQL, Apache, and Tiger – each with fewer than 400 UI interactions.

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Wed 17 Jun

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

16:00 - 17:40
PotpourriResearch Papers at PLDI Main RED (Portland 256)
Chair(s): Tiark Rompf Purdue & Oracle Labs
Zero-Overhead Metaprogramming: Reflection and Metaobject Protocols Fast and without Compromises
Research Papers
Stefan Marr Inria, France, Chris Seaton Oracle Labs / University of Manchester, Stéphane Ducasse INRIA Lille
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Finding Counterexamples from Parsing Conflicts
Research Papers
Chinawat Isradisaikul Cornell University, Andrew Myers
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Interactive Parser Synthesis by Example
Research Papers
Alan Leung University of California, San Diego, John Sarracino University of California, San Diego, Sorin Lerner University of California, San Diego
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A Simpler, Safer Programming and Execution Model for Intermittent Systems
Research Papers
Brandon Lucia Carnegie Mellon University, Benjamin Ransford University of Washington
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