Tue 16 Jun 2015 15:15 - 15:40 at PLDI Main BLUE (Portland 254-255) - Analysis Chair(s): Yannis Smaragdakis

We develop a new framework for analyzing recursive methods that perform traversals over trees, called tree dependence analysis. This analysis translates dependence analysis techniques for regular programs to the irregular space, identifying the structure of dependences within a recursive method that traverses trees. We develop a dependence test that exploits the dependence structure of such programs, and can prove that several locality- and parallelism-enhancing transformations are legal. In addition, we extend our analysis with a novel path-dependent, conditional analysis to refine the dependence test and prove the legality of transformations for a wider range of algorithms. We then use these analyses to show that several common algorithms that manipulate trees recursively are amenable to several locality- and parallelism enhancing transformations. This work shows that classical dependence analysis techniques, which have largely been confined to nested loops over array data structures, can be extended and translated to work for complex, recursive programs that operate over pointer-based data structures.

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Tue 16 Jun

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

14:00 - 15:40
AnalysisResearch Papers at PLDI Main BLUE (Portland 254-255)
Chair(s): Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens
DAG Inlining: A Decision Procedure for Reachability-Modulo-Theories in Hierarchical Programs
Research Papers
Akash Lal Microsoft Research India, Shaz Qadeer Microsoft Research
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Exploring and Enforcing Security Guarantees via Program Dependence Graphs
Research Papers
Andrew Johnson Harvard University, Lucas Waye Harvard University, Scott Moore Harvard University, Stephen Chong Harvard University
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Making Numerical Program Analysis Fast
Research Papers
Gagandeep Singh ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Markus Püschel ETH Zurich, Martin Vechev ETH Zurich
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Tree Dependence Analysis
Research Papers
Yusheng Weijiang Purdue University, Shruthi Balakrishna Purdue University, Jianqiao Liu Purdue University, Milind Kulkarni Purdue University
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