For over 25 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue for publishing and discussing new ideas at the intersection of databases and programming languages. Many key contributions in query languages for object-oriented data, persistent databases, nested relational data, and semistructured data, as well as fundamental ideas in types for query languages, were first announced at DBPL. This creative research area is broadening into a subfield of data-centric computation, currently scattered among a range of venues. DBPL is an established destination for such new ideas and solicits submissions from researchers in databases, programming languages or any other community interested in the design, implementation or foundations of data-centric computation.

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Tue 27 Oct

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08:30 - 10:00
Session 1: KeynoteDBPL at Ellwood 1
Chair(s): James Cheney University of Edinburgh
Day opening
DBPL Welcome

DBPL Keynote: The Gremlin Graph Traversal Machine and Language
10:30 - 12:00
Session 2DBPL at Ellwood 1
Chair(s): Dario Colazzo
A common data manipulation language for nested data in heterogeneous environments.
João Costa Seco NOVA LINCS -- Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Hugo Lourenço OutSystems SA, Paulo Ferreira OutSystems SA
Relational Foundations for Functorial Data Migration
Abstract Rewriting Approach to Solve Datalog Programs
Fernando Tarin Morales The University of Tokyo / National Institute of Informatics, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics, Shinichi Honiden The University of Tokyo / National Institute of Informatics
13:30 - 15:00
Session 3DBPL at Ellwood 1
Chair(s): Ryan Wisnesky
Requesting heterogeneous data sources with array comprehensions in Hop.js
A Datalog-based Protocol for Lazy Data Migration in Agile NoSQL Application Development
Stefanie Scherzinger , Uta Störl HS Darmstadt, Meike Klettke Universität Rostock
Function Inlining in XQuery 3.0 Optimization
Leonard Wörteler University of Konstanz, Michael Grossniklaus University of Konstanz, Christian Grün University of Konstanz, Marc H. Scholl University of Konstanz
Relational Algebra by way of Adjunctions
Jeremy Gibbons University of Oxford, UK, Fritz Henglein DIKU, Denmark, Ralf Hinze University of Oxford, UK, Nicolas Wu University of Bristol, UK
15:30 - 17:00
Session 4DBPL at Ellwood 1
Chair(s): Jeremy Gibbons University of Oxford, UK
Using Dependent Types and Tactics to Enable Semantic Optimization of Language-Integrated Queries
Relative Expressive Power of Downward Fragments of Navigational Query Languages on Trees and Chains
Jelle Hellings Hasselt University and Transnational University of Limburg, Marc Gyssens Hasselt University and Transnational University of Limburg, Yuqing Wu Indiana University, Dirk Van Gucht Indiana University, Jan Van den Bussche Hasselt University and Transnational University of Limburg, Stijn Vansummeren Université Libre de Bruxelles, George Fletcher Eindhoven University of Technology
Typing Regular Path Query Languages for Data Graphs

Call for Papers

For over 25 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue for publishing and discussing new ideas at the intersection of databases and programming languages. Many key contributions in query languages for object-oriented data, persistent databases, nested relational data, and semistructured data, as well as fundamental ideas in types for query languages, were first announced at DBPL. This creative research area is broadening into a subfield of data-centric computation, currently scattered among a range of venues. DBPL is an established destination for such new ideas and solicits submissions from researchers in databases, programming languages or any other community interested in the design, implementation or foundations of data-centric computation.

There will be a special issue of the Journal of Functional Programming on Programming Languages for Big Data, which includes most topics related to DBPL. Authors of DBPL papers are encouraged to consider submitting revised versions of their work. More details are available here.


DBPL 2015 solicits theoretical and practical papers in all areas of Database Programming Languages. Papers emphasizing new topics or foundations of emerging areas are especially welcome. Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include:

  • Compiling Query Languages to Modern Hardware
  • Data-Centric Programming Abstractions, Comprehensions, Monads
  • Data Integration, Exchange, and Interoperability
  • Data Synchronization and Bidirectional Transformations
  • Declarative Data Centers
  • Emerging and Nontraditional Data Models
  • Language-Based Security in Data Management
  • Language-Integrated Query Mechanisms
  • Managing Uncertain and Imprecise Information
  • Metaprogramming and Heterogeneous Staged Computation
  • Programming Language Support for Databases
  • Query Compilation and In-memory Databases
  • Query Language Design
  • Query Transformation and Optimization
  • Schema Mapping and Metadata Management
  • Semantics and Verification of Database Systems
  • Stream Data Processing and Query Languages
  • Type Systems for Data-Centric Programming
  • Validation, Type-checking

Author Guidelines

To maximize the value of DBPL as a venue for cross-pollination of ideas and discussion of problems, short papers proposing presentations of work in progress, demos, new problems, research challenges or visions are strongly encouraged. Short papers are at most 4 pages (ACM SIGPLAN format). Accepted short papers may be included or excluded from the formal proceedings, whichever the author(s) prefer.

Prospective authors are also invited to submit full papers presenting original research. Such submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be no more than 10 pages long in the ACM SIGPLAN format (using the default typeface size of 9pt or larger).

Each full paper submission should begin with a succinct statement of the problem and a summary of the main results. Authors may provide more details to substantiate the main claims of the paper by including a clearly marked appendix at the end of the submission, which is not included in the page limit and is read at the discretion of the committee.

The purpose of DBPL is to facilitate cross-pollination of ideas, exchange of knowledge, and collaboration among researchers in different fields bearing on the problems of data-centric programming. Submissions in both categories are encouraged to cross discipline boundaries or apply techniques from one area to problems in another. On the other hand, full paper submissions on work that is comfortably within the scope of mainstream research venues (on databases, programming languages, or any other community) will be held to a high standard for technical correctness and significance.

At least one author of each accepted (short or full) paper must attend the symposium to present their work. The program committee will schedule the presentations of accepted contributions so as to maximize the value of the event to the participants and audience; this may include allocating additional time to some presenters to allow for discussion or interaction outside the traditional seminar format.

Full and short papers are both due on the deadline, June 15, 2015. Abstracts of full papers should be submitted by June 10 to aid reviewer selection.


Dr. Marko A. Rodriguez, DataStax

Gremlin: A Stream-Based Functional Language for OLTP and OLAP Graph Computing

Speaker biography Dr. Marko A. Rodriguez focuses his time and energy advancing the state of the art of graph computing. Marko is a co-founder of Apache TinkerPop which is a graph processing framework leveraged by graph system vendors. TinkerPop’s graph traversal language is called Gremlin and it operates over both OLTP graph databases and OLAP graph processors. Marko is currently a Director of Engineering at DataStax. Previously, he was the founder and CEO of the graph computing firm Aurelius (acquired by DataStax) and a Director’s Fellow at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Rodriguez lives in a small farming village north of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The 15th Symposium on Data Base Programming Languages (DBPL 2015) continues the tradition of excellence initiated by its predecessors. DBPL was affiliated with VLDB from 1999-2013 and in 2015 is affiliated with SPLASH for the first time.
