POPL 2017
Sun 15 - Sat 21 January 2017


Secure compilation aims to preserve high-level language abstractions in compiled code, even against adversarial low-level contexts.

The Secure Compilation Meeting (SCM) takes a broad and inclusive view of secure compilation and provides a forum for discussion on the topic. The scope of SCM includes, but is not limited to, efficient enforcement mechanisms (based on static analysis, software rewriting, reference monitors, secure hardware, randomization, etc.), formal security properties (which go beyond compiler correctness, e.g., full abstraction, hyper-property or robust safety preservation, etc.) and effective proof techniques (based on logical relations, bisimulation, multi-language semantics, embedded interpreters, etc.)

The goal is to identify interesting research directions and open challenges by bringing together people working on building secure compilers, developing proof techniques and verification tools for security, and designing security-enhanced architectures.

The meeting’s first edition was held at INRIA, Paris in August, 2016 with 15 participants. The meeting was successful with several in-depth talks and long, synergistic discussions. The next edition will be held on January 15, 2017, co-located with POPL 2017. The scope will be expanded significantly. If you are interested in participating, please register for SCM through the POPL registration site.

List of talks

Can relational logic facilitate secure compilation? (Short talk)
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Cogent: Where we Stand and What Comes Next (Short talk)
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Enforcing Well-Bracketed Control Flow on a Capability Machine using Local Capabilities
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Full Abstraction for Language Design (Short talk)
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Fully-Abstract Compilation of Parametric Polymorphism into Dynamic Sealing
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Linking Types: Secure compilation of multi-language programs
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Security preserving compilation of low-level programs embedded in F*
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Software Fault Isolation avec CompCert
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What is Secure Compilation? Part I
Link to publication
What is Secure Compilation? Part II (Short talk)
Link to publication

Call for Participation

SCM will be held on January 15, 2017. To participate, please register through the POPL registration system.

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