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ICFP 2016
Sun 18 - Sat 24 September 2016 Nara, Japan

Slides from the talks are available on this webpage, but are hard to find. Click on “talks”, then the talk you are interested in. This should pop up some information about the talk with a button that says “all details” in the bottom left of the page. Click that to go to yet another webpage for the talk. That should have a link to slides.

We proudly announce the SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop at ICFP. The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. We are specifically interested in attracting groups who have traditionally not had the opportunity to participate in research in functional programming. This workshop will be a combination of learning about the work being done in several areas of programming language research and mentoring with respect to helping students prepare for graduate school and the rest of their career. We will bring together leaders in programming language research from academia and industry to give talks on the kind of research typically performed after obtaining a Ph.D. The workshop will engage students, specifically interested in programming language research, in a process of imagining how they might contribute to the world.

Workshop Focus

Our effort is inspired by and modeled on the highly successful mentoring workshop associated with the POPL conference (PLMW). This workshop has occurred yearly since 2012; we’d like to bring this opportunity to the functional programming community. Our focus for this workshop will be early career graduate students. In particular, we will design the program for the benefit of students entering their first or second year of graduate school. Undergraduates who are seriously considering an academic career will also benefit from the workshop.

Applications (Due July 1st)

To apply for support to come to PLMW and ICFP, please login to hotcrp. Note that hotcrp is not designed precisely for scholarship applications:

  • please click “start new submission”.
  • please put “title” into the “title” field and list yourself as the only “author”.
  • please fill out the rest of the fields as they appear in the form.

Follow this link: https://plmw-icfp16.hotcrp.com/ to begin the application process. You do not need to complete the application in a single sitting; please complete it at your leisure, but finish by July 1st.

Please email the organizers if you have any questions.

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Sun 18 Sep

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09:15 - 10:15
1PLMW at Conference Room 5
Chair(s): Amal Ahmed Northeastern University
Welcome to ICFP!
Kathleen Fisher Tufts University
Media Attached File Attached
Rust: PL research in industry
Aaron Turon MPI-SWS
10:45 - 12:15
2PLMW at Conference Room 5
Chair(s): Amal Ahmed Northeastern University
Basic Mechanics of Operational Semantics
David Van Horn University of Maryland, USA
Link to publication
Some Types of Types
Philip Wadler University of Edinburgh
File Attached
17:00 - 18:00
5PLMW at Conference Room 5
Chair(s): Atsushi Igarashi Kyoto University
Principle and Practice of OCaml Type Debugger
Kenichi Asai Ochanomizu University
File Attached
Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking
John Hughes Chalmers University of Technology


Slides from the talks are available on this webpage, but are hard to find. Click on “talks”, then the talk you are interested in. This should pop up some information about the talk with a button that says “all details” in the bottom left of the page. Click that to go to yet another webpage for the talk. That should have a link to slides.

See also the videos of the talks.

We proudly announce the SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop at ICFP. The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. We are specifically interested in attracting groups who have traditionally not had the opportunity to participate in research in functional programming. This workshop will be a combination of learning about the work being done in several areas of programming language research and mentoring with respect to helping students prepare for graduate school and the rest of their career. We will bring together leaders in programming language research from academia and industry to give talks on the kind of research typically performed after obtaining a Ph.D. The workshop will engage students in a process of imagining how they might contribute to the world.

Workshop Focus

Our effort is inspired by and modeled on the highly successful mentoring workshop associated with the POPL conference (PLMW). This workshop has occurred yearly since 2012; we’d like to bring this opportunity to the functional programming community. Our focus for this workshop will be early career graduate students. In particular, we will design the program for the benefit of students entering their first or second year of graduate school. Undergraduates who are seriously considering an academic career will also benefit from the workshop.

Applications (Due July 1st)

To apply for support to come to PLMW and ICFP, please login to hotcrp. Note that hotcrp is not designed precisely for scholarship applications:

  • please click “start new submission”.
  • please put “title” into the “title” field and list yourself as the only “author”.
  • please fill out the rest of the fields as they appear in the form.

Follow this link: https://plmw-icfp16.hotcrp.com/ to begin the application process. You do not need to complete the application in a single sitting; please complete it at your leisure, but finish by July 1st.

Please email the organizers if you have any questions.
