The concurrency and scale-out era is upon us. Application programmers need to confront the architectural challenge of multiples cores and accelerators, clusters and supercomputers. A central need is the development of a usable programming model that can address these challenges – dealing with thousands of cores and peta-bytes of data.

The open-source X10 programming language is designed to address these twin challenges of productivity and performance. It is organized around four basic principles of asynchrony, locality, atomicity and order, developed on a type-safe, class-based, object-oriented foundation. This foundation is robust enough to support fine-grained concurrency, Cilk-style fork-join programming, GPU programming, SPMD computations, active messaging, MPI-style communicators and cluster programming. X10 implementations are available on a wide range of systems ranging from laptops, to clusters, to supercomputers.

The X10 Workshop is intended as a forum for X10 programmers, developers, researchers, and educators. We anticipate the program of the workshop to combine keynotes and presentations of selected papers with ample time for discussions. We are soliciting both short papers (4-6 pages) and extended talk abstracts (2 pages). We encourage submissions on all aspects of X10, including theory, design, implementation, practice, curriculum development and experience, applications and tools. This will be a full day workshop.

Please the external website for the X10’15 workshop for details.

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09:00 - 11:00
Programming in X10X10 at B112
Day opening
Opening and Welcome
Jose Nelson Amaral University of Alberta, Olivier Tardieu IBM Research
Introduction to X10
Olivier Tardieu IBM Research
Link to publication
The X10 Global Matrix Library: A Resilient Framework for Linear Algebra Applications
Sara S. Hamouda Australian National University, Josh Milthorpe IBM Research, Peter Strazdins Australian National University, Vijay Saraswat IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Link to publication
14:00 - 15:30
Compilers and RuntimesX10 at B112
Cutting Out the Middleman: OS-Level Support for X10 Activities
Manuel Mohr Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Sebastian Buchwald Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Andreas Zwinkau Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Christoph Erhardt Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Benjamin Oechslein Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Jens Schedel Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Daniel Lohmann Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Link to publication
Optimization of X10 Programs with ROSE Compiler Infrastructure
Michihiro Horie IBM Research - Tokyo, Mikio Takeuchi IBM Research - Tokyo, Kiyokuni Kawachiya IBM Research - Tokyo, David Grove IBM Research
Link to publication
The APGAS Library: Resilient Parallel and Distributed Programming in Java 8
Olivier Tardieu IBM Research
Link to publication
16:00 - 18:00
Global Load BalancingX10 at B112
Towards an Efficient Fault-Tolerance Scheme for GLB
Marco Bungart Universität Kassel, Claudia Fohry Universität Kassel, Jonas Posner Universität Kassel
Link to publication
Scalable Parallel Numerical Constraint Solver Using Global Load Balancing
Daisuke Ishii Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kazuki Yoshizoe Japan Science and Technology Agency, Toyotaro Suzumura IBM Research / University College Dublin / JST
Link to publication

Call for Papers

Papers can be submitted at:

Submissions may be one of the following:

  • Short paper: four to six pages in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings style (9-point type, all inclusive),
  • Extended abstract: two pages in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings style (9-point type, all inclusive).

Submissions must be in PDF and printable on US Letter and A4 sized paper.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee. During the workshop, extended abstracts will receive a shorter presentation and discussion period.

Accepted papers will be hosted on the X10 website. Accepted authors will have the option of having their paper in the proceedings that will be published by the ACM.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Curriculum development using X10 and experience
  • Applications and experience, X10 programming pearls
  • High-level frameworks and libraries: map reduce, parallel matrix and graph libraries, global load balancing frameworks
  • Performance analysis, comparison between performance of X10 application in managed environment vs native environment
  • Foundations: weak-memory models, models of imperative concurrency, reasoning techniques for dynamic concurrency
  • Extensions: fault-tolerance, dynamic places, hierarchical places
  • Type systems for concurrency and alias management
  • Deterministic computation, phased computations – clock-based concurrency, stream-based computation
  • Static analyses for atomicity violations, race conditions, deadlock-freedom
  • Compilation techniques: code generation, compilation for work-stealing, concurrency and communication optimizations, compilation for scale
  • Runtime systems, interoperability with Java, MPI
  • Design and evaluation of JVM extensions for X10
  • Distributed GC
  • Design and experience with development tools (IDEs) for X10
  • Performance analysis and monitoring tools
  • Testing, bug detection and program understanding tools
  • Debugging frameworks, including large-scale debugging, differential debugging

Please the external website for the X10’15 workshop for details.

X10 2015- Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on X10

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Parallel Loops

Revisiting loop transformations with x10 clocks

  • Tomofumi Yuki

Local parallel iteration in x10

  • Josh Milthorpe

SESSION: Compilers and Runtimes

Cutting out the middleman: OS-level support for x10 activities

  • Manuel Mohr
  • Sebastian Buchwald
  • Andreas Zwinkau
  • Christoph Erhardt
  • Benjamin Oechslein
  • Jens Schedel
  • Daniel Lohmann

Optimization of x10 programs with ROSE compiler infrastructure

  • Michihiro Horie
  • Mikio Takeuchi
  • Kiyokuni Kawachiya
  • David Grove

The APGAS library: resilient parallel and distributed programming in Java 8

  • Olivier Tardieu

SESSION: Global Load Balancing

Towards an efficient fault-tolerance scheme for GLB

  • Claudia Fohry
  • Marco Bungart
  • Jonas Posner

Scalable parallel numerical constraint solver using global load balancing

  • Daisuke Ishii
  • Kazuki Yoshizoe
  • Toyotaro Suzumura