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CC 2021
Tue 2 - Wed 3 March 2021 Online Conference
Wed 3 Mar 2021 11:25 - 11:40 at CC Virtual Room - Code Generation & Binary Analysis Chair(s): Bernhard Egger

Profile-guided binary optimization has proved to be an important technology to achieve peak performance, particularly for large-scale binaries that are typical for data-center applications. By applying the profile data at the same representation where sampling-based profiling is collected, binary optimizers can provide double-digit speedups over binaries compiled with profile-guided optimizations using similarly collected profile data. The main blocker for adoption of binary optimizers in practice is the overhead that they add to the already long and demanding build pipelines used for producing highly optimized binaries, which already include aggressive compiler optimizations guided by profile data and also link-time optimizations. This paper addresses the overheads of binary optimizers in the context of BOLT, a modern and powerful open-source binary optimizer. More specifically, this paper describes Lightning BOLT, which is an improved version of the BOLT binary optimizer that drastically reduces BOLT's processing time and memory requirements, while preserving BOLT's effectiveness in improving the final binary's performance. Using a set of real-world data-center and open-source applications, we show that Lightning BOLT speeds up BOLT's processing by an average of 4.71$\times$ and reduces BOLT's memory consumption by 70.5% on average. Furthermore, Lightning BOLT also provides an adjustable mechanism to further reduce BOLT's overheads at the cost of some lost performance for the final binary.

Wed 3 Mar

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11:10 - 11:55
Code Generation & Binary AnalysisCC Research Papers at CC Virtual Room
Chair(s): Bernhard Egger Seoul National University
Helper Function Inlining in Dynamic Binary Translation
CC Research Papers
Wenwen Wang University of Georgia
Lightning BOLT: Powerful, Fast, and Scalable Binary OptimizationArtifacts Evaluated – Functional v1.1Results Reproduced v1.1Artifacts Available v1.1
CC Research Papers
Maksim Panchenko Facebook, Rafael Auler Facebook, Laith Sakka Purdue University, Guilherme Ottoni Facebook
Compact Native Code Generation for Dynamic Languages on Micro-core Architectures
CC Research Papers
Maurice Jamieson University of Edinburgh, Nick Brown University of Edinburgh