NEXTA 2020
Sat 24 Oct 2020 Porto, Portugal
co-located with ICST 2020
Sat 24 Oct 2020 10:05 - 10:25 at D. Luis - Welcome + Session: Process Improvement Chair(s): Pasqualina Potena

Test Automation Improvement Model (TAIM), has been used to guide assessments and describe patterns for aspects of automation in testing. In this paper, we have updated TAIM for the next generation of autonomous software and complemented the model to use as a driver for software quality. We bring some lessons learned and describe the evolution of the model. TAIM is heavily influenced by analytics approaches, i.e. AI or machine learning, as we now strive for autonomous systems. We describe the new levels in TAIM, their focus, quality and cost aspects. Key areas are addressed and some experiences of using the TAIM process and suggestions for further development are proposed.

Sat 24 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

09:00 - 10:30
Welcome + Session: Process ImprovementNEXTA 2020 at D. Luis
Chair(s): Pasqualina Potena RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Day opening
Welcome address and practical arrangements
NEXTA 2020

Test Automation Process Improvement in a DevOps Team: Experience report
NEXTA 2020
Yuqing Wang University of Oulu, Maaret Pyhäjärvi F-Secure, Mika Mäntylä University of Oulu
Link to publication DOI
Test Automation Challenges for Application Landscape Frameworks
NEXTA 2020
Nils Wild Research Group Software Construction RWTH Aachen University, Horst Lichter RWTH Aachen University, Peter Kehren Research Group Software Construction RWTH Aachen University
Link to publication DOI
Test Automation Improvement Model - TAIM 2.0
NEXTA 2020
Sigrid Eldh Ericsson
Link to publication DOI