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PEPM 2017
Mon 16 - Tue 17 January 2017
co-located with POPL 2017
Tue 17 Jan 2017 16:00 - 16:30 at Salle 109, Barre 44-54 - Transformation (part II) Chair(s): Jurriaan Hage

Symbolic parallelism is a fresh look at the decade-old problem of turning sequential, imperative, code into associative reduction kernels, based on the realization that map/reduce is at its core a staging problem: how can programs be separated so that part of the computation can be done before loop-carried dependencies become available? Previous work has investigated dynamic approaches that build symbolic summaries while the actual data is processed. In this short paper, we approach the problem from the static side, and show that with simple syntax- or type-driven transformations, we can readily transform large classes of imperative groupby-aggregate programs into map/reduce parallelism with deterministic overhead.

Tue 17 Jan

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16:00 - 17:00
Transformation (part II)PEPM 2017 at Salle 109, Barre 44-54
Chair(s): Jurriaan Hage Utrecht University
Functional Parallels of Sequential Imperatives
PEPM 2017
Tiark Rompf Purdue University, Kevin J. Brown Stanford University
A Functional Reformulation of UnCAL Graph-Transformations: Or, Graph Transformation as Graph Reduction
PEPM 2017
Kazutaka Matsuda , Kazuyuki Asada University of Tokyo