2030 Software Engineering
Mon 15 - Fri 19 July 2024
co-located with FSE 2024
Marco Gerosa

Registered user since Tue 5 Sep 2017

Name:Marco Gerosa

Dr. Gerosa is a Full Professor at Northern Arizona University (NAU), United States, and a member of the Computer Science Graduate Program at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. He researches tools and strategies to support newcomers onboarding to open source software projects and aspects of chatbot design. He serves on the program committee (PC) of important conferences, such as ICSE, FSE, CSCW, ICSME, SANER, and MSR, and as a reviewer for several journals. He also served as the PC Chair of IEEE ICGSE and CRIWG and as a co-editor of several journals special issues. He published more than 200 papers, and his production has an impact factor of more than 45 (Google Scholar).

Keywords: human aspects of software engineering, CSCW, newcomers to OSS, mining software repositories

Country:United States
Affiliation:Northern Arizona University
Research interests:OSS Communities, Software Evolution, Mining Software Repositories, Human Aspects of Software Engineering


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