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Name:Agostino Dovier
- I was born in Grado (GO)—Italy
- I received my
Laurea' (Master degree) in
Scienze dell’Informazione’ (Computer Science) at the University of Udine with full marks on March 7th, 1991. The title of my thesis was La Programmazione Logica con Insiemi (Logic Programming with Sets) and it was a joint work with Enrico Pontelli; my advisors were Gianfranco Rossi and Eugenio G. Omodeo. - I received my PhD degree in
Informatica' (Computer Science) from the University of Pisa on October, 16th, 1996. The title of my thesis was Computable Set Theory and Logic Programming and my advisor was Alberto Policriti (see Abstract of my PhD thesis). From April 16th, 1997 to October 30th, 2001 I was employed as a
ricercatore’ (something like `assistant professor’) at the University of Verona. - Since November 1st 2001 I am employed as `associate professor’ at the University of Udine where I’m coordinating the CLP LAB, selected by NVIDIA as a 2015 GPU research excellence center.
- In January 29th 2014 I received my Italian habilitation as full professor in INFORMATICA (Computer Science).
- My research interests include: Logic Programming, Constraint Programming Languages design and applications, Computational Biology, Parallel Architectures, Action Description Languages, Graph Algorithms, and Computable Set Theory.
- I am author or coauthor of more than 170 peer-reviewed publications (see, e.g., GS page) and supervisor of roughly 100 bachelor, master, or PhD theses.
- I have coordinated several research funds (FIRB, PRIN, GNCS, PLS, … details here)
- I have been chair or in the PC of more than 70 international conferences and workshops (details here)
- I served in the EC of the italian association for logic programming GULP and of the international association for logic programming ALP.
- I am associate editor of AMB (series on constraints and bioinformatics)
- I am editor in chief of the ALP newsletter (since january 2010).
- I am president of the italian association for logic programming GULP (since 2012, confirmed in 2015).
Affiliation:University of Udine
Personal website: https://users.dimi.uniud.it/~agostino.dovier/
Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
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