Mon 18 - Tue 19 January 2016 St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
co-located with POPL 2016
Steve Zdancewic

Registered user since Tue 9 Jun 2015

Name:Steve Zdancewic

I study programming languages and computer security. I have wide-ranging interests, and some of my most recent work touches on: Coq verification of LLVM program transformations and randomized algorithms, type-directed program synthesis, linear types and GUI programming. I have also spent a lot of time thinking about language-based enforcement of information-flow policies, low-level code memory safety, understanding dynamic security policies, and authorization logic. I am also interested in secure concurrent and distributed computing, functional programming languages, type theory, linear and modal logics, theorem proving and mechanized metatheory.

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Pennsylvania
Research interests:Programming Languages, Type Theory, Logic


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