Registered user since Fri 25 Aug 2017
Yijun Yu is a Professor of Software Engineering at The Open University, UK. His research explores automated techniques for improving the performance of both software engineers and the software artefacts that they produce. He serves as an Associate Editor of the Software Quality Journal, Chair of BCS Specialist Group on Requirements Engineering, a PC member of international conferences on Software Engineering (FSE, ICSE), Requirements Engineering (RE, CAiSE, ER), Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME, CSMR, SANER, ICPC), Security (ESSoS), and Internet of Things (WF-IoT). As Principal Investigator, he managed knowledge transfer projects with NATS, Huawei, IBM, CA, RealTelekom. His research on requirements-driven adaptation receives a 10 Year Most Influential Paper award (CASCON’16), 6 Best Paper awards (SEAMS’18, iRENIC’16, TrustCom’14, EICS’13, VMPDP’01), 3 Distinguished Paper awards (RE’11, BCS’08, ASE’07), a Best Tool Demo Paper Award (RE’13) and a Best Student Paper Award (PDCS’02).
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