CIbSE 2023 (series) / Guilherme Horta Travassos

Registered user since Fri 12 Apr 2019
Name:Guilherme Horta Travassos
Affiliation:Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Personal website:
Research interests:Experimental Software Engineering
- Um checklist para inspeção de privacidade e proteção de dados pessoais em artefatos de software
- Session Chair of Doctoral Symposium: Session 2 (part of Doctoral Symposium)
- Committee Member in Steering Committe
- Consolidating a Common Perspective on Technical Debt and its Management Through a Tertiary Study
- Committee Member in Program commmite
- Why, for what, for whom, and how to conduct useful, robust, and reliable Software Engineering research / ### Por qué, para qué, para quién y cómo realizar investigación útil, robusta y confiable en Ingeniería de Software
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