CurryOn 2016
Mon 18 - Tue 19 July 2016 Rome, Italy
co-located with ECOOP 2016
Nobuko Yoshida

Registered user since Sat 8 Aug 2015

Name:Nobuko Yoshida

Nobuko Yoshida is Professor of Computing. She has applied session types to Web services and programming languages, and introduced multiparty session types. Based on Multiparty session types, she established JBoss Red Hat Scribble project. She was awarded a CNRS visiting fellowship and visiting professorship at Paris VII. She is an editor of Journal of Logical Algebraic Methods in Programming, the chief editor of The Computer-aided Verification and Concurrency Column for EATCS Bulletin and the editor of Acta Informatica. She has served as a PC member for over 50 conferences in the past five years. She was regularly invited to give the key note talks – recent invited talks include 8th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2013) at Buenos Aires and Joint 25th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications and 12th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications in 2014. She is a member of IFIP 2.4, and the JBoss Red Hat Savara and Scribble Projects. Her industry partners include Cognizant, Red Hat, VMware, Pivotal and Ocean Observatories Initiative.

Affiliation:Imperial College London, UK


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