FORGE 2024
Sun 14 Apr 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024
Saikat Mondal

Registered user since Sat 9 Mar 2019

Name:Saikat Mondal

Saikat Mondal is working as a Doctoral Researcher in the Software Engineering Lab at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, under Dr. Chanchal K. Roy. His primary research endeavors are centered on pursuing groundbreaking and highly influential contributions to the field of Software Engineering. He consistently engages with novel, robust, timely, and emerging research problems, simultaneously enhancing research, development, and supervision skills through a commitment to continuous learning, active collaboration, and rigorous self-assessment.

Affiliation:University of Saskatchewan
Research interests: Empirical Software Engineering, Software Repository Mining, NLP, Explainable Machine Learning, Generative AI


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