FORGE 2024
Sun 14 Apr 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024
Valentina Piantadosi

Registered user since Wed 6 Jan 2021

Name:Valentina Piantadosi

Valentina Piantadosi is a research assistant at the University of Molise, Italy. She received (magna cum laude) a Master’s Degree in Software System Security from the University of Molise (Italy) in 2018 defending a thesis on Software Reliability and Testing, advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto. She received a Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering defending a thesis on Code Readability from the University of Molise in 2022, advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto. Her research interests include code readability, vulnerability detection, testing and machine learning. She served as a reviewer student for the Shadow Program Committee of the MSR 2021. She served as Publicity and Web Chair of the AeSIR Workshop 2021 (co-located with ASE 2021) and as Publicity and Web Chair of the MaLTeSQuE 2020. She served as a reviewer for some international journals (i.e., TSE and EMSE).

Affiliation:University of Molise
Research interests:Machine Learning, Mining Software Repositories, Vulnerability Detection, Software Maintenance, Software Testing


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