FORGE 2024
Sun 14 Apr 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024
Windson Viana

Registered user since Sat 8 Apr 2023

Name:Windson Viana

Prof. Windson Viana de Carvalho has a degree and a master’s degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Ceará and did his doctorate (Spécialité Informatique) in France, at the LIG laboratory (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble) linked to the Université Joseph Fourier (currently Université Grenoble-Alpes ). The researcher is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Ceará, working in the undergraduate course of Systems and Digital Media (SMD), being an effective member of the Master’s and Doctorate in Computer Science (MDCC-UFC) and collaborator of the Graduate Program in Educational Technology (PPGTE-UFC). The researcher self-identifies as belonging to the research area of Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, which is applied or motivates his work in Assistive Technologies, Software Engineering, Games and Computing Education. As a result of these topics of interest, the professor participates more actively in the SBC communities of Webmedia, SBIE, EduComp, IHC and SBGames, both as an author and member of the program committee of these events. Even at the Webmedia conference, he was co-chair on two occasions (2016, 2018), and in Educomp 22, he was the chair of the Experience Reports track. The professor is a frequent reviewer of the Journal of Entertainment Computing (Elsevier), the Brazilian Journal of Informatics in Education (RBIE), and the journal ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications

Affiliation:Federal University of Ceará
Research interests:Mobile Acessibility, Code Comprehension, Software Engeneering Education


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