FSCD 2017
Mon 4 - Thu 7 September 2017 Oxford, United Kingdom
co-located with ICFP 2017
Ilya Sergey

Registered user since Mon 13 Oct 2014

Name:Ilya Sergey

I am a lecturer (assistant professor) at University College London.

Prior to joining UCL, I was a postdoctoral researcher at IMDEA Software Institute (Madrid, Spain). I defended my PhD in 2012 in the DistriNet research group at the Department of Computer Sciences of KU Leuven (Belgium). Before that I received my MSc degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Saint Petersburg State University (Russia) in 2008.

My research interests dwell in the area of the design and implementation of programming languages, including but not limited to program semantics, certified programming, concurrency and abstract interpretation. I am particularly interested in developing verification techniques and static analyses for higher-order and concurrent programs.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University College London
Personal website: http://ilyasergey.net
Research interests:Concurrency, Type Theory, Static Program Analysis, Program Verification, Proof Assistants


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