FSCD 2017
Mon 4 - Thu 7 September 2017 Oxford, United Kingdom
co-located with ICFP 2017
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt

Registered user since Thu 18 Dec 2014

Name:Sam Tobin-Hochstadt

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Indiana University.

Research Interests: my research focuses on the design and analysis of software and programming languages. I am particularly interested in how programs grow from prototype scripts to robust software, and how programming language design can support this process. My research concerns type systems, software contracts, modularity, and extensibility. I’m currently working with the DARPA CRASH program on Racket and with Mozilla Labs on JavaScript.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Indiana University
Personal website: http://samth.github.io
Research interests:Programming Languages


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