Registered user since Wed 25 Jul 2018
Jérôme Hugues is a Senior Researcher at the Carnegie Mellon University/Software Engineering Institute in the Assuring Cyber-Physical Systems team. He holds a Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR, 2017), a PhD (2005) and an engineering degree (2002) from Telecom ParisTech.
His research interests focus on the design of software-based real-time and embedded systems and tools to support it. More specifically, he concentrates on software architecture to support the design of complex software-based real-time and embedded systems, and programming languages and artifacts to support them. He is a member of the SAE AS-2C committee working on the AADL since 2005.
Prior to joining the CMU/SEI, he was a professor at the Department of Engineering of Complex Systems of the Institute for Space and Aeronautics Engineering (ISAE), in charge of teaching curriculum on systems engineering, safety-critical systems, and real-time systems.
He is a member of the SAE AS-2C committee working on the definition of the AADL architecture description language to assist the designer in various stages of its design: formal verification, dimensioning down to code generation. He is the main author of two annexes document for AADLv2, and a reviewer of the AADLv2 core document, and associated annexes. He leads the development of the Ocarina toolchain, a compiler for AADL. He contributes to the OSATE, TASTE AADL-based toolchains.
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