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ICSE 2020
Wed 24 June - Thu 16 July 2020
Murat Yilmaz

Registered user since Sat 13 Oct 2018

Name:Murat Yilmaz

Dr. Murat Yilmaz received his PhD in computer science from Dublin City University in 2013. He also holds a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering from the University of Minnesota, which was received in 2009. With more than a decade of experience in software development and project management, Dr. Yılmaz worked for several IT companies as a software developer, software architect, technical lead, systems engineer, and project coordinator. He is currently an assistant professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, Cankaya University, and is also an adjunct faculty member in Informatics Institute, Middle East Technical University. His research interests are in empirical software engineering, software project management, game theory and design, serious games, team dynamics, and gamification.

Affiliation:Cankaya University
Research interests:Empricial Software Engineering, Game Theory


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