Registered user since Sun 24 Dec 2017
Name:Steven Holtzen
I am an assistant professor at Northeastern University. My research focuses on programming languages, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. My goal is to design systems that make probabilistic modeling fast, accessible, and useful for solving every day reasoning tasks. Broadly my research focuses on (1) The design, implementation, and applications of probabilistic programming languages; (2) Foundations of probabilistic inference and tractable probabilistic modeling; (3) Automated reasoning and probabilistic verification.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Northeastern University
Personal website: https://www.khoury.northeastern.edu/home/sholtzen/
Research interests:Machine Learning, Probabilistic Programming, Program Analysis, Computer Security
- A Multi-language Approach to Probabilistic Program Inference
- Session Chair of Third Session (part of LAFI 2024)
- Co-chair in Program Committee within the LAFI 2024-track
- Committee Member in Organizing Committee within the LAFI 2024-track
- Session Chair of First Session (part of LAFI 2024)
- Towards a Categorical Model of the Lilac Separation Logic
- Session Chair of Poster and Interactive Session (part of LAFI 2024)
- Session Chair of Second Session (part of LAFI 2024)
POPL 2024-profile
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