Bram Adams

Registered user since Wed 13 May 2015

Name:Bram Adams

Bram Adams is a full professor at Queen’s University (until June 2020: Polytechnique Montreal). He obtained his PhD in 2008 at Ghent University’s GH-SEL lab (Belgium). His research interests include software release engineering, software engineering for AI (and vice versa), and mining software repositories. His work received the 2021 Mining Software Repositories Foundational Contribution Award, and has been published at premier software engineering venues such as ICSE, FSE, MSR, ICSME, EMSE and TSE. In addition to co-organizing the RELENG International Workshop on Release Engineering from 2013 to 2015 (and the 1st/2nd IEEE Software Special Issue on Release Engineering), he co-organized, amongst others, the SEMLA and FM+SE Vision 2030 events. He has been PC co-chair of SCAM 2013, SANER 2015, ICSME 2016 and MSR 2019; ICSE 2023 software analytics area co-chair, and general chair of MSR 2025. He is a Senior IEEE Member.

Affiliation:Queen's University
Research interests:release engineering, software analytics, LLMOps, SE for AI


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