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AI-SEPS 2019
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019 Athens, Greece
co-located with SPLASH 2019
Aleksandar Prokopec

Registered user since Tue 18 Aug 2015

Name:Aleksandar Prokopec

I am a principal researcher at Oracle Labs, working on the Graal language infrastructure project. My research is focused on virtual machines and JIT compilers, as well as programming language abstractions for concurrent and distributed computing.

Previously, I worked at Google on cloud computing infrastructure and big data analytics for Google Maps. Before that, I was working as a research assistant in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at the EPFL in Switzerland, in the LAMP laboratory on Scala development under the supervision of dr. Martin Odersky, where I received a doctoral degree in 2014.

Affiliation:Oracle Labs
Personal website: http://axel22.github.io
Research interests:Virtual machines, compilers, programming languages, parallel programming, concurrent data structures.


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