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AI-SEPS 2019
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019 Athens, Greece
co-located with SPLASH 2019
Sumit Gulwani

Registered user since Wed 18 Jul 2018

Name:Sumit Gulwani

Sumit Gulwani leads a research & engineering team at Microsoft that develops program synthesis technologies for data wrangling and incorporates them into real products. His programming-by-example work led to the Flash Fill feature in Microsoft Excel used by hundreds of millions of people. He has published 110+ papers in top-tier conferences/journals across multiple computer science areas, and delivered 30+ keynotes/invited talks at various forums. Sumit was awarded the ACM SIGPLAN Robin Milner Young Researcher Award in 2014 for his pioneering contributions to end-user programming and intelligent tutoring systems. He obtained his PhD from UC-Berkeley, and was awarded the ACM SIGPLAN Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from IIT Kanpur in 2000, and was awarded the President’s Gold Medal.



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