This page will soon grow in content and contain information about the scope of this research track.
Call for Papers
“Software for all and by all” is the future of humanity. AIware, i.e., AI-powered software, has the potential to democratize software creation. We must reimagine software and software engineering (SE), enabling individuals of all backgrounds to participate in its creation with higher reliability and quality. Over the past decade, software has evolved from human-driven Codeware to the first generation of AIware, known as Neuralware, developed by AI experts. Foundation Models (FMs, including Large Language Models or LLMs), like GPT, ushered in software’s next generation, Promptware, led by domain and prompt experts. However, this merely scratches the surface of the future of software. We are already witnessing the emergence of the next generation of software, Agentware, in which humans and intelligent agents jointly lead the creation of software. With the advent of brain-like World Models and brain-computer interfaces, we anticipate the arrival of Mindware, representing another generation of software. Agentware and Mindware promise greater autonomy and widespread accessibility, with non-expert individuals, known as Software Makers, offering oversight to autonomous agents.
The software engineering community will need to develop fundamentally new approaches and evolve existing ones, so they are suitable for a world in which software creation is within the reach of Software Makers of all levels of SE expertise, as opposed to solely expert developers. We must recognize a shift in where expertise lies in software creation and start making the needed changes in the type of research that is being conducted, the ways that SE is being taught, and the support that is offered to software makers.
The 2nd ACM International Conference on AI-powered Software (AIware 2025, will be hosted on November 20th-21st, 2025, at Seoul, South Korea, co-located with ASE’25. AIware 2025 aims to bring the software engineering community together in anticipation of the upcoming changes driven by FMs and look at them from the perspective of AI-powered software and their evolution. AIware 2025 promotes cross-disciplinary discussions, identifies emerging research challenges, and establishes a new research agenda for the community in the Foundation Model era.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest of AIware conference include but are not limited to the following:
- How would future software look like in the FM era?
- How to integrate legacy software in future AIware?
- Do existing programming models (e.g., object-oriented or functional programming) and SE practices (e.g., test-driven development and agile) remain suitable for developing and maintaining software in the FM era?
- What roles do autonomous agents play in the development and maintenance of software in the FM era?
- How will inner and open source collaboration evolve in the FM era?
- What kind of release engineering practices do we need for FM-powered software applications?
- Are LLMOps comprehensive enough to capture the release engineering needs of AIware in the FM era?
- How do we debug and monitor AIware in the FM era?
- How should we change SE curriculum, training and mentoring in the FM era?
- How to evolve FMs from the perspective of AIware and its makers in the FM era?
- How do human interactions and perceptions shape the development and implementation of AIware in the FM era?
- How do we measure and improve the trustworthiness of AIware in the FM era?
- What are the implications and effectiveness of foundation models in improving software engineering practices and outcomes?
- How does AIware impact developer productivity?
More information is coming soon!