While the fields of security and of formal methods/programming languages are thriving areas of computer science, the communities are mostly disjoint, and though there are several formal techniques used for ensuring security, there is no systematic use of emerging powerful formal techniques in security.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both communities in order to have them learn about the important problems and relevant techniques in each field, to foster collaboration leading to applying “cutting edge” formal techniques in security. We will have no refereed papers, but have invited talks from people who have successfully bridged these fields and on topics that highlight important problems in security (systems security, information security, malware, etc.) that could benefit from formal techniques (programming language paradigms, verification, model-checking, efficient constraint solving, synthesis, etc.).
The workshop will consist of mainly invited talks, discussion sections on specialized topics, and panel discussions.
Confirmed invited speakers: (incomplete)
Gogul Balakrishnan, Google
Stephen Chong, Harvard University and Joshua Guttman
Anupam Dutta, CMU
Michael Emmi, Bell Labs
Bryan Parno, Microsoft Research, Redmond
Mon 13 JunDisplayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change
09:00 - 10:00 | |||
09:00 15mDay opening | Opening remarks FMS | ||
09:15 45mTalk | Privacy and Algorithmic Accountability FMS Anupam Dutta Carnegie Mellon University |
10:30 - 12:00 | |||
10:30 45mTalk | Report on the NSF Workshop on Formal Methods for Security FMS | ||
11:15 45mTalk | Ironclad: Full Verification of Complex Systems FMS |
13:30 - 15:00 | |||
13:30 45mTalk | Scalable Security Analysis of Android Apps FMS Gogul Balakrishnan Google | ||
14:15 45mTalk | Verifying Constant-Time Implementations FMS Michael Emmi IMDEA Software Institute |
15:30 - 17:00 | |||
15:30 45mOther | Breakout Sessions FMS | ||
16:15 45mOther | Panel Discussion FMS |
About FMS
While the fields of security and of formal methods/programming languages are thriving areas of computer science, the communities are mostly disjoint, and though there are several formal techniques used for ensuring security, there is no systematic use of emerging powerful formal techniques in security.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both communities in order to have them learn about the important problems and relevant techniques in each field, to foster collaboration leading to applying “cutting edge” formal techniques in security. We will have no refereed papers, but have invited talks from people who have successfully bridged these fields and on topics that highlight important problems in security (systems security, information security, malware, etc.) that could benefit from formal techniques (programming language paradigms, verification, model-checking, efficient constraint solving, synthesis, etc.).
The workshop will consist of mainly invited talks, discussion sections on specialized topics, and panel discussions.
Confirmed invited speakers: (incomplete)
Gogul Balakrishnan, Google
Stephen Chong, Harvard University and Joshua Guttman
Anupam Dutta, CMU
Michael Emmi, Bell Labs
Bryan Parno, Microsoft Research, Redmond