PLanQC 2022
Sun 11 - Fri 16 September 2022 Ljubljana, Slovenia
co-located with ICFP 2022

The ICFP Farewell & OCaml reception will take place at the Zoo. There will be plenty of food and drinks, as well as a real camel. The reception will take place outdoors, with chairs and tables under a roof.

The distance from the venue Cankarjev dom to the Zoo is 2.4 km, which takes about half an hour to walk through the Tivoli park and along the Večna pot pedestrian walking path.

You may take bus number 18 or 18L from Cankarjev dom bus stop to the Zoo. There is one at 18:33 and another at 18:52. The ride takes 8 minutes. You need the Urbana paycard to enter the bus.

All ICFP participants have free entry to the zoo on Friday, September 16, 2022. Show your conference nametag to enter. If you arrive by 18:00 or so, you will have enough time to visit the zoo. Note: the zoo will be closed during the reception and you will not be allowed to walk around, other than in the reception area.


Večna pot 70
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