Williamsburg Lodge

310 South England Street Williamsburg VA 23185


Directions to the Hotel

Taking airplanes

There are three airports nearby: Newport News (PHF), Richmond (RIC), Norfolk (ORF). They are all within 1 hour driving distance from Williamsburg. The info on how to get to the hotel from these airports is listed as follows:

Renting a car

The estimated time from these airports to the venue (Williamsburg Lodge) by driving a car is as follows:

Airports Distance Time for driving
Newport News (PHF) 18 miles 25 min
Richmond (RIC) 46 miles 46 min
Norfolk (ORF) 42 miles 50 min

Shuttle and cab services

Shuttle service (http://www.tidewatercoach.com/)
Cab service (http://www.triangletaxiwilliamsburg.com/)
The estimated costs of the shuttle and cab services are as follows.

Airports Shuttle Cab
Newport News (PHF) $50 $54
Richmond (RIC) $95 $130
Norfolk (ORF) $125 $130


Washington DC airport is about 3-hour driving distance from the hotel. From there, if you do not want to transit to the nearby airports, you could drive to Williamsburg or take a train.


Each day, multiple trains run between Washington DC (code WAS) and Williamsburg (code WBG). All take about 3hr 51min. (Book tickets at AmTrak.)

67 Northeast Regional: arriving at Williamsburg at 11:11am.

95 Northeast Regional: arriving at Williamsburg at 6:21pm.

83 Northeast Regional: arriving at Williamsburg at 9:41pm.


The AmTrak Williamsburg station is 1 mile away from the venue.


310 South England Street
VA 23185
Virginia, United States
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