The 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’20) brings together researchers and practitioners from different computer systems domains to interact and share ideas in order to advance the state of the art of virtualization, systems programming and programming languages.

VEE 2020 in Lausanne is canceled due to COVID-19

Sadly, the ASPLOS organisers have been forced to cancel this year’s event due to the Coronavirus outbreak, which means that VEE also will not be held. Please see the announcement by the ASPLOS General Chair, James Larus.

Instead, we are holding an asynchronous virtual VEE, with:

In cooperation

Accepted Papers

A Robust and Flexible Operating System Compatibility Architecture
VEE 2020
Blending Containers and Virtual Machines: A Study of Firecracker and gVisor
VEE 2020
Deconstructing the Garbage-First Collector
VEE 2020
Directvisor: Virtualization for Bare-metal Cloud
VEE 2020
Edge Computing -- the Case for Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration
VEE 2020
GCPersist: An Efficient GC-assisted Lazy Persistency Framework for Resilient Java Applications on NVM
VEE 2020
GiantVM: A Type-II Hypervisor Implementing Many-to-one Virtualization
VEE 2020
Instrew: Leveraging LLVM for High Performance Dynamic Binary Instrumentation
VEE 2020
Intra-Unikernel Isolation with Intel Memory Protection Keys
VEE 2020
LibrettOS: A Dynamically Adaptable Multiserver-Library OS
VEE 2020
Lightweight Kernel Isolation with Virtualization and VM Functions
VEE 2020
Obtaining hard real-time performance and rich Linux features in a compounded real-time operating system by a partitioning hypervisor
VEE 2020
Optimising Dynamic Binary Modification across 64-bit Arm Microarchitectures
VEE 2020
TruffleWasm : A WebAssembly Interpreter on GraalVM
VEE 2020

Call for Papers

Virtualization has a central role in modern systems. It constitutes a key aspect in a wide range of environments, from small mobile computing devices to large-scale data centers and computational clouds. Virtualization techniques encompass the underlying hardware, the operating system, and the runtime system. Although these layers have different design and implementation techniques, the fundamental challenges and insights tend to be similar.

The 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’20) brings together researchers and practitioners from different computer systems domains to interact and share ideas in order to advance the state of the art of virtualization and broaden its applicability. VEE’19 accepts both full-length and short papers. Both types of submissions are reviewed to the same standards and differ primarily in the scope of the ideas expressed. Short papers are limited to half the space of full-length papers. The program committee will not accept a full paper on the condition that it is cut down to fit in a short paper slot, nor will it invite short papers to be extended to full length. Submissions will be considered only in the category in which they are submitted.

An ideal short paper would express an idea that doesn’t require 12 pages to describe or evaluate. The ideas should be well formed and complete just like those in a full-length paper. A short paper should not be a HotOS / HotStorage-style workshop paper with an interesting idea that isn’t yet fully developed. Short papers will be held to the same standard as full-length papers in terms of clarity of presentation and evaluation, however, the scope of the work as well as the breadth of the evaluation is expected to be smaller.

We invite authors to submit original papers related to virtualization across all layers of the software stack down to the microarchitectural level. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • architecture support for virtualization;
  • compiler and programming language support for virtualization;
  • managed runtimes and virtual machines;
  • management technologies for virtual environments;
  • memory management;
  • operating system support for virtualization;
  • performance analysis and debugging for virtual environments;
  • runtime system support for virtualization;
  • security and virtual environments;
  • virtual I/O, storage, and networking;
  • virtualization in cloud computing
  • virtualization support for programs and programmers;
  • virtualization technologies applied to specific problem domains such as HPC, realtime, and power management.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your paper through HotCRP after reading the following submission instructions.

The deadline for submitting the final version of your submission is displayed here. Below are rules that govern all submissions. Submissions that violate these rules will be rejected regardless of merit. There will be no extensions for fixing violations. Please upload a properly formatted early draft of your paper well before the deadline, and check with the program chairs if you are uncertain about any of the rules.


Submissions should contain original, unpublished material that is not under review at any other archival forum, including journals, conferences, and workshops with copyrighted proceedings. See the SIGPLAN republication policy for details. Submissions that extend authors’ previous work (e.g., published in a workshop) are welcome, but authors must explain the differences between the present submission and that prior work (e.g., in the Related Work section). Authors must also relate their submission to relevant submissions of their own that are simultaneously under review for this or other venues. The next section describes how to relate your submission to your other work while maintaining anonymity.


Reviewing will be double blind, therefore submissions must be anonymous. Author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, and any other hints of identity must not be included in the submission. Avoid identifying yourself or your institution explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references or acknowledgments). You should not anonymize your bibliographic references; instead, cite your work in the third person so that your submission is self-contained. Make a good-faith effort to conceal any authorship connection between prior work and yours.

Use care in referring to your own related work. Do not omit references to your prior work, as this would make it difficult for reviewers to place your submission in its proper context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work. For example, you might say “Our system modifies the XYZ operating system built by Smith et al. [17]”.

In some cases, you may consider it inappropriate to refer to your related work in the third person. For example, your submission may extend a previous workshop paper, or it may relate to a submission currently under review. In these cases, you must still explain the differences between your present submission and the other work, but you should cite the other work anonymously and e-mail the deanonymized work to the PC chairs.

If your submission reports on experiences with a system at your institution, you should refer to the system anonymously but describe the properties of the system that are needed to appreciate the work (e.g., size of the user base, volume of requests, etc.). We recognize that, in some cases, these properties may allow a reviewer to identify your institution.


Submissions may have at most 12 pages of technical content for full papers, and 6 pages for short papers, including all text, figures, tables, appendices, etc. Bibliographic references are not included in the page limit. Use A4 or US letter paper size, with all text and figures fitting inside a 7 x 9 in block centered on the page, using two columns separated by 0.33 in of whitespace. Use ≥10-point font (typeface Times Roman, Linux Libertine, etc.) on ≥12-point (single-spaced) leading. Graphs and figures should be readable when printed in grayscale, without magnification. All pages should be numbered. Authors are encouraged to hyperlink their references.

Most of these rules are automatically applied when using the official SIGPLAN Latex or MS Word templates. For LaTeX, we recommend:



Reviewing will be done mostly by members of the program committee, with limited use of outside reviewers. Submissions will be treated as confidential; however, papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will be rejected without further consideration.

Accepted papers

Papers selected by the program committee for inclusion in the final program may be subject to revision and approval by a program committee member acting as a shepherd. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to supply electronic versions of their papers and encouraged to supply source code and raw data to help others replicate and understand their results. On acceptance, authors will be required to sign an ACM copyright release. To facilitate technical discussions, accepted papers will be posted online for pre-conference access.

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

VEE strongly supports the ACM Open Conference Statement:

The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of ACM and its conferences. These aims and goals require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity.

ACM is firmly committed to prohibiting discrimination at its conferences against individuals because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status religion, national origin, ancestry, or disability. All individuals are entitled to participate in any ACM activity free of discrimination, including harassment based on any of the above factors.

ACM is concerned about discriminatory legislation in various locations and will work with conference organizers to best address location related issues.

VEE is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience and follows the ACM Policy Against Harassment at ACM Activities.

Conference participants violating these standards may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference, at the discretion of the conference organizers.

If you believe that a VEE participant has violated the ACM policy on harassment, please follow the ACM guidelines for Reporting Unacceptable Behavior at ACM Activities.

Questions? Use the VEE contact form.