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CC 2022
Tue 5 - Wed 6 April 2022 Online conference
Tue 5 Apr 2022 10:30 - 11:20 at CC Virtual Room - CC Keynote Chair(s): Bernhard Egger, Aaron Smith

As quantum computing hardware evolves, it will continue to face four key limitations: low qubit counts, limited connectivity, high error rates, and short coherence times. Quantum compilers play a key role in addressing these issues, reducing the number of qubits needed to perform a computation, mapping those qubits to the desired hardware, and minimizing the number of costly operations, both in terms of error rates and execution time. However, we cannot afford for compilers to become another source of bugs: Quantum computing is an inherently probabilistic and error-prone process and any additional sources of error are unlikely to be properly diagnosed. To address this, we present VOQC, a verified optimizing compiler for quantum circuits. VOQC heavily optimizes quantum programs while guaranteeing that the output is quantum-mechanically indistinguishable from the input program, up to permutation of qubits. This ensures that compilation produces an equivalent program that is executable on the given hardware. In this talk, we will address the key differences between classical and quantum compilation and the challenges unique to the latter. We will discuss the design decisions that underlie VOQC and how they enable its most powerful optimizations. Finally, we will discuss the developments since VOQC was first published, both within the VOQC toolchain and competing compilers, verified and unverified.

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago, part of the Programming Languages Research Group and the Chicago Quantum Exchange. I lead the Chicago Quantum Programming Languages Laboratory (ChiQP).

My main interest is in applying techniques from programming languages and formal verification to the domain of quantum computation. Some of my major projects include the QWIRE quantum circuit language (with Jennifer Paykin) and the VOQC verified optimizing compiler (with Kesha Hietala). I’m currently interested in verified optimization, error-correction, type systems, and programming abstractions for quantum computing.

Tue 5 Apr

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10:30 - 11:20
CC KeynoteCC Research Papers at CC Virtual Room
Chair(s): Bernhard Egger Seoul National University, Aaron Smith Microsoft
Writing and Verifying a Quantum Optimizing Compiler
CC Research Papers
Robert Rand University of Chicago