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CC 2022
Tue 5 - Wed 6 April 2022 Online conference

This paper introduces QRANE, a tool that produces the affine intermediate representation (IR) from a quantum program expressed in Quantum Assembly language such as OpenQASM. QRANE identifies subsets of quantum gates prescribed by the same operation type and linear relationships, and constructs a structured program representation expressed with polyhedral iteration domains and access relations, all while preserving the original semantics of the quantum program. We explore various policies for deciding amongst different delinearization strategies and discuss their effect on the quality of the reconstruction. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the high coverage and efficiency of QRANE while enabling research on the benefits of affine transformations for large quantum circuits. Specifically, QRANE reconstructs affine iteration domains of up to 6 dimensions and up to 184 points per domain.

Tue 5 Apr

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11:40 - 12:25
Session 1: Quantum Computing and Hardware DesignCC Research Papers at CC Virtual Room
Chair(s): Bruno Bodin Yale-NUS College
QSSA: An SSA-Based IR for Quantum ComputingArtifacts Evaluated – Reusable v1.1Artifacts Available v1.1Results Reproduced v1.1
CC Research Papers
Anurudh Peduri IIIT Hyderabad, Siddharth Bhat IIT Hyderabad, Tobias Grosser University of Edinburgh
QRANE: Lifting QASM Programs to an Affine IRArtifacts Evaluated – Reusable v1.1Artifacts Available v1.1
CC Research Papers
Blake Gerard University of Oklahoma, Tobias Grosser University of Edinburgh, Martin Kong The Ohio State University
A Polynomial Time Exact Solution to the Bit-Aware Register Binding Problem
CC Research Papers
Michael Canesche UFMG, Ricardo Ferreira UFV, Jose Augusto Nacif UFV, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira Federal University of Minas Gerais