Wed 19 Jul 2023 08:30 - 09:15 at Amazon Auditorium (Gates G20) - ISSTA Impact Paper Award

The popularity of mobile apps continues to grow as developers take advantage of the sensors and data available on mobile devices. However, the increased functionality comes with a higher energy cost, which can cause a problem for users on battery constrained mobile devices. To improve the energy consumption of mobile apps, developers need detailed information about the energy consumption of their applications. Existing techniques have drawbacks that limit their usefulness or provide information at too high of a level of granularity, such as components or methods. Our approach is able to calculate source line level energy consumption information. It does this by combining hardware-based power measurements with program analysis and statistical modeling. Our empirical evaluation of the approach shows that it is fast and accurate.

Wed 19 Jul

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08:30 - 09:15
Reflections on the Impact of Calculating Source Line Level Energy Information for Android Applications
ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes
K: William G.J. Halfond University of Southern California