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APLAS 2020
Mon 30 November - Wed 2 December 2020
Wed 2 Dec 2020 15:30 - 16:00 at online - Synthesis and Program Transformation Chair(s): Cristina David

We present a completely declarative approach to synthesizing pattern matching construct implementation based on application of relational programming, a specific form of constraint logic programming. Our approach is based on relational representations of both the high-level semantics of pattern matching and the semantics of an intermediate-level implementation language. This choice makes our approach, in principle, very scalable as we only need to modify the high-level semantics in order to synthesize the implementation of a pattern matching new feature. Our evaluation on a set of small samples, partially taken from existing literature shows, that our framework is capable of synthesizing optimal implementations quickly. Our in-depth stress evaluation on a number of artificial benchmarks, however, has shown the need for future improvements.

Wed 2 Dec

Displayed time zone: Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo change

15:30 - 17:00
Synthesis and Program TransformationResearch Papers at online
Chair(s): Cristina David University of Oxford
Relational Synthesis for Pattern Matching
Research Papers
Dmitrii Kosarev , Dmitri Boulytchev Saint Petersburg State University / JetBrains Research
Parameterized Synthesis with Safety Properties
Research Papers
Oliver Markgraf Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Anthony Widjaja Lin Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Daniel Neider Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Muhammad Najib Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Chih-Duo Hong National Chengchi University
REFINITY to Model and Prove Program Transformation Rules
Research Papers
Dominic Steinhöfel Technical University of Darmstadt