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APLAS 2020
Mon 30 November - Wed 2 December 2020
Wed 2 Dec 2020 17:30 - 18:00 at online - Semantics Chair(s): Florian Rabe

We present a formal study of semantics for relational programming language miniKanren. First, we formulate denotational semantics which corresponds to the minimal Herbrand model for definite logic programs. Second, we present operational semantics which models the distinctive feature of miniKanren implementation — interleaving, — and prove its soundness and completeness w.r.t. the denotational semantics. Our development is supported by a Coq specification, from which a reference interpreter can be extracted. We also derive from our main result a certified semantics (and a reference interpreter) for SLD resolution with cut and prove its soundness.

Wed 2 Dec

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17:30 - 19:00
SemanticsResearch Papers at online
Chair(s): Florian Rabe University of Erlangen
Certified Semantics for Relational Programming
Research Papers
Dmitry Rozplokhas Higher School of Economics and JetBrains Research, Russia, Andrey Vyatkin Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, Dmitri Boulytchev Saint Petersburg State University / JetBrains Research
An Abstract Machine for Strong Call by Value
Research Papers
Malgorzata Biernacka University of Wroclaw, Dariusz Biernacki University of Wrocław, Witold Charatonik Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw, Tomasz Drab Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw
Link to publication
Algebraic and coalgebraic perspectives on interaction laws
Research Papers
Tarmo Uustalu Reykjavik University, Niels Voorneveld Tallinn University of Technology