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BotSE 2021
Fri 4 Jun 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Fri 4 Jun 2021 18:30 - 18:45 at BotSE Room - Chatbots Design and Challenges Chair(s): Mairieli Wessel

Question answering platforms, such as Stack Overflow, have impacted substantially how developers search for solutions for their programming problems. The crowd knowledge content available from such platforms has also been used to leverage software development tools. The recent advances on Natural Language Processing, specifically on more powerful language models, have demonstrated ability to enhance text understanding and generation. In this context, we aim at investigating the factors that can influence on the application of such models for understanding source code related data and produce more interactive and intelligent assistants for software development. In this preliminary study, we particularly investigate if a how-to question filter and the level of context in the question may impact the results of a question answering transformer-based model. We suggest that fine-tuning models with corpus based on how-to questions can impact positively in the model, and as expected, more contextualized questions also induce more objective answers.

Fri 4 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

18:30 - 19:35
Chatbots Design and ChallengesBotSE 2021 at BotSE Room
Chair(s): Mairieli Wessel University of Sao Paulo
Towards a question answering assistant for software development using a transformer-based language model
BotSE 2021
Liliane Nascimento Vale Federal University of Catalão, Marcelo De Almeida Maia Federal University of Uberlandia
iContractBot: A chatbot for Smart Contracts' Specification and Code Generation
BotSE 2021
Ilham Qasse Reykjavik University, Shailesh Mishra Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Mohammad Hamdaqa Polytechnique Montreal
Testing NLP-intensive bots: challenges and roadmap
BotSE 2021
Jordi Cabot ICREA - UOC, Lola Burgueño Open University of Catalonia, Robert Clarisó Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Gwendal Daniel Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jorge Perianez Pascual University of Extremadura, Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria University of Extremadura, Spain
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BotSE 2021

Information for Participants
Fri 4 Jun 2021 18:30 - 19:35 at BotSE Room - Chatbots Design and Challenges Chair(s): Mairieli Wessel
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