CIbSE 2023
Mon 24 - Fri 28 April 2023 Montevideo, Uruguay

Architectural smells are decisions made at the software architecture level, whether intentional or not, that may negatively impact the quality of a software system. In the literature, architectural smells are identified mainly by relying on the source code or other implementation artifacts. However, architectural smells could be detected at design time, even before employing implementation efforts and preventing them from being reflected at the system implementation. This research investigates how software architecture descriptions realized through architecture description languages (ADLs) can be used to identify architectural smells at design time. This work focuses on how architectural smells manifest and can be detected in SysADL, an ADL that allows describing both structure and behavior of software architectures using standardized diagrams from the OMG’s SysML language.

Wed 26 Apr

Displayed time zone: Montevideo change

16:45 - 18:15
TS3: Technical Debt and SmellsCIbSE 2023 at Anfiteatro (planta baja) aulario
Chair(s): Luis Olsina National University of La Pampa - Argentina
Consolidating a Common Perspective on Technical Debt and its Management Through a Tertiary Study
CIbSE 2023
Helvio Jeronimo Junior Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - PESC/COPPE, Guilherme Horta Travassos Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Cross-language Clone Detection for Mobile Apps
CIbSE 2023
Stephannie Jimenez Universidad de los Andes, Gordana Rakić Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Silvia Takahashi Systems and Computing Engineering Department , Universidad de los Andes , Bogotá, Colombia , Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes
Pre-print Media Attached
Using Software Architecture Descriptions to Detect Architectural Smells at Design Time
CIbSE 2023
Everton Cavalcante Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Thais Batista Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte