GI 2021
Sun 16 May - Sat 5 June 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Sun 30 May 2021 22:05 - 22:30 at GI Room - Session 2

Using machine learning to generate source code is an active and highly important research area. It has been shown that genetic programming (GP) efficiently contributes to software repair. However, most of the published advances on applying GP to generate source code are limited to the C programming language.

This paper explores the use of genetic programming to generate objected oriented source code in a dynamically-typed setting. We found that GP is able to produce missing one-line statements with a precision of 51%. Our preliminary results contributes to the state of the art by indicating that GP may be effectively employed to generate source code for dynamically-typed object-oriented applications.

Sun 30 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

21:30 - 22:50
Session 2GI 2021 at GI Room
CRNRepair: Automated Program Repair of Chemical Reaction Networks
GI 2021
Ibrahim Mesecan Iowa State University, Michael C. Gerten Iowa State University, James I. Lathrop Iowa State University, Myra Cohen Iowa State University, Tomas Haddad Caldas Catholic Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul
Pre-print Media Attached
Applying Automated Program Repair to Dataflow Programming Languages
GI 2021
Yu Huang University of Michigan, Hammad Ahmad University of Michigan, Stephanie Forrest Arizona State University, Westley Weimer University of Michigan
Media Attached
Generating Objected-Oriented Source Code Using Genetic Programming
GI 2021
Vicente Illanes Universidad de Chile, Alexandre Bergel University of Chile
Pre-print Media Attached
Partial Specifications for Program Repair
GI 2021
Linsey Kitt Iowa State University, Myra Cohen Iowa State University
Pre-print Media Attached
A Permutation Representation of Covering Arrays
GI 2021
Ryan Dougherty United States Military Academy, Xi Jiang Colgate University
Media Attached

Information for Participants
Sun 30 May 2021 21:30 - 22:50 at GI Room - Session 2
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