Wed 17 May 2023 09:00 - 10:00 - Keynote Talk #2 Chair(s): James Dabney

As NASA embraces the Artemis Program goal of a sustained human presence on the Moon, the consideration of technologies needed for Martian exploration remains at the forefront. One significant technology gap is the ability to autonomously control complex, safety-critical, integrated spacecraft systems across the operational range of the vehicle and mission. The Gateway lunar space station has focused on autonomous spacecraft control as a major operational goal with the addition of a new software distributed hierarchical control architecture. The Vehicle Systems Manager (VSM) sits atop this control architecture and provides autonomous control for mission, fault, and resource management at the vehicle level. This novel functionality depends strongly on correct behavior at every level of the architecture, and verification of this new system will require special consideration. The Autonomous Systems Management Architecture (ASMA) uses formally specified assume-guarantee contracts between the distributed and hierarchical control system components to assess proper behavior of the overall system. This talk will discuss the design, architecture, and plans for formal methods analysis of the Gateway ASMA and VSM.

Wed 17 May

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09:00 - 10:00
Keynote Talk #2NFM 2023
Chair(s): James Dabney
Formal Guarantees for Autonomous Operation of Human Spacecraft
NFM 2023