The widespread use and increasing complexity of mission-critical and safety-critical systems at NASA and in the aerospace industry require advanced techniques that address these systems’ specification, design, verification, validation, and certification requirements. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM) is an annual forum to foster collaboration between theoreticians and practitioners from NASA, academia, and industry. NFM’s goals are to identify challenges and to provide solutions for achieving assurance for such critical systems.

New developments and emerging applications like autonomous software for uncrewed deep space human habitats, caretaker robotics, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), UAS Traffic Management (UTM), and the need for system-wide fault detection, diagnosis, and prognostics provide new challenges for system specification, development, and verification approaches. The focus of these symposiums are on formal techniques and other approaches for software assurance, including their theory, current capabilities and limitations, as well as their potential application to aerospace, robotics, and other NASA-relevant safety-critical systems during all stages of the software life-cycle.

Location (updated 5/16)

NFM 2023 will be held in room 1203 in the STEM building of UHCL.

There is complimentary parking available in lots D3 and D4 — you don’t need a pass to park there. See the “local information” tab for more details.

Tue 16 May 2023
Wed 17 May 2023
Thu 18 May 2023
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Tue 16 May

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

08:45 - 09:00
Welcome by Program Chairs NFM 2023
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote talk #1NFM 2023
Chair(s): Kristin Yvonne Rozier Iowa State University
Design Automation for Verified AI-Based Autonomy
NFM 2023
Sanjit Seshia UC Berkeley
10:30 - 12:10
Control and Hybrid SystemsNFM 2023
Chair(s): Julia Badger NASA
Conservative Safety Monitors of Stochastic Dynamical Systems
NFM 2023
Matthew Cleaveland University of Pennsylvania, Ivan Ruchkin University of Florida, Oleg Sokolsky University of Pennsylvania, USA, Insup Lee University of Pennsylvania
Reasoning with Metric Temporal Logic and Resettable Skewed Clocks
NFM 2023
Alberto Bombardelli FBK, Stefano Tonetta Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Code-level Formal Verification of Ellipsoidal Invariant Sets for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems
NFM 2023
Elias Khalife Virginia Tech, Pierre-Loic Garoche Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Mazen Farhood Virginia Tech
Reward Shaping from Hybrid Systems Models in Reinforcement Learning
NFM 2023
Marian Qian Carnegie Mellon University, Stefan Mitsch Carnegie Mellon University, USA
14:00 - 15:30
Machine Learning #1NFM 2023
Chair(s): Aaron Dutle NASA Langley Research Center
Verifying Attention Robustness of Deep Neural Networks against Semantic Perturbations
NFM 2023
Satoshi Munakata Fujitsu, Caterina Urban Inria & École Normale Supérieure | Université PSL, Haruki Yokoyama , Koji Yamamoto Fujitsu, Kazuki Munakata Fujitsu
Verification of LSTM Neural Networks with Non-linear Activation Functions
NFM 2023
Farzaneh Moradkhani Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Connor Fibich , Martin Fränzle
Open- and Closed-Loop Neural Network Verification using Polynomial Zonotopes
NFM 2023
Niklas Kochdumper Stony Brook University, Christian Schilling Aalborg University, Matthias Althoff Technichal University of Munich, Stanley Bak Stony Brook University
Verifying an Aircraft Collision Avoidance Neural Network with Marabou
NFM 2023
Cong Liu Collins, Darren Cofer Collins Aerospace, Denis Osipychev
16:00 - 17:15
Machine Learning #2NFM 2023
Chair(s): Swarat Chaudhuri University of Texas at Austin
Learning Symbolic Timed Models from Concrete Timed Data
NFM 2023
Simon Dierl TU Dortmund, Falk Howar TU Clausthal / IPSSE, Sean Kauffman Aalborg University, Martin Kristjansen Aalborg University, Kim Larsen Aalborg University, Florian Lorber Aalborg University, Malte Mauritz TU Dortmund
Formalizing Piecewise Affine Activation Functions of Neural Networks in Coq
NFM 2023
Kim Völlinger Technische Universität Berlin, Andrei Aleksandrov Technische Universität Berlin
Strategy Synthesis in Markov Decision Processes Under Limited Sampling Access
NFM 2023
Christel Baier TU Dresden, Germany, Clemens Dubslaff Eindhoven University of Technology, Patrick Wienhöft TU Dresden, Germany, Stefan J. Kiebel TU Dresden

Wed 17 May

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

09:00 - 10:00
Keynote Talk #2NFM 2023
Chair(s): James Dabney
Formal Guarantees for Autonomous Operation of Human Spacecraft
NFM 2023
10:30 - 12:10
Multiagent Systems #1NFM 2023
Chair(s): Kristin Yvonne Rozier Iowa State University
Centralized Multi-Agent Synthesis with Spatial Constraints via Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming
NFM 2023
Alexandra Forsey-Smerek Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ho Chit Siu MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Kevin Leahy MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Reasoning over Test Specifications using Assume-Guarantee Contracts
NFM 2023
Multi-Objective Task Assignment and Multiagent Planning with Hybrid GPU-CPU Acceleration
NFM 2023
Thomas Robinson University of Wollongong, Guoxin Su University of Wollongong, Australia
Pre-print Media Attached
Quantitative Verification and Strategy Synthesis for BDI Agents
NFM 2023
Blair Archibald University of Glasgow, Muffy Calder , Michele Sevegnani University of Glasgow, Mengwei Xu University of Glasgow
14:00 - 15:30
Hardware VerificationNFM 2023
Chair(s): Kenneth L. McMillan University of Texas at Austin
Formalising Liveness Properties in Event-B with the Reflexive EB4EB Framework
NFM 2023
Peter Riviere irit, Neeraj Singh INPT-ENSEEIHT / IRIT, University of Toulouse, France, Yamine Ait Ameur IRIT/INPT-ENSEEIHT, Guillaume Dupont INPT–ENSEEIHT
Formalized High Level Synthesis with Applications to Cryptographic Hardware
NFM 2023
Formally Proved Memory Controllers: From the Standards to Silicon
NFM 2023
Felipe Lisboa Malaquias Télécom Paris, Mihail Asavoae Univ. Paris-Saclay, CEA List, Florian Brandner Télécom Paris
From Natural Language Requirements to the Verification of Programmable Logic Controllers: Integrating FRET into PLCverif
NFM 2023
Zsófia Ádám Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Ignacio D. Lopez-Miguel TU Wien, Anastasia Mavridou KBR / NASA Ames Research Center, Thomas Pressburger NASA ARC, Marcin Bęś , Enrique Blanco Viñuela , Andreas Katis KBR / NASA Ames Research Center, Jean-Charles Tournier CERN, Khanh V. Trinh , Borja Fernandez Adiego European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
16:00 - 17:40
Software VerificationNFM 2023
Chair(s): Perry Alexander
Verified ALL(*) Parsing with Semantic Actions and Dynamic Input Validation
NFM 2023
Sam Lasser Draper, Chris Casinghino Jane Street, Derek Egolf Northeastern University, Kathleen Fisher Tufts University, Cody Roux Amazon Web Services
Condition Synthesis Realizability via Constrained Horn Clauses
NFM 2023
Bat-Chen Rothenberg Technion, Orna Grumberg Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Yakir Vizel Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Eytan Singher Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
A Toolkit for Automated Testing of Dafny
NFM 2023
Aleksandr Fedchin Tufts University, Tyler Dean Brigham Young University, Jeffrey S. Foster Tufts University, Eric Mercer Brigham Young University, Zvonimir Rakamaric Amazon Web Services, Giles Reger University of Manchester, Neha Rungta Amazon Web Services, Robin Salkeld Amazon Web Services, Lucas Wagner Amazon Web Services, Cassidy Waldrip Brigham Young University
Automata-Based Software Model Checking of Hyperproperties
NFM 2023
Bernd Finkbeiner CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Hadar Frenkel CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Jana Hofmann Microsoft Azure Research, Janine Lohse Saarland University

Thu 18 May

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

09:00 - 10:00
Keynote Talk #3NFM 2023
Proof-Based Heuristics for Quantified Invariant Synthesis
NFM 2023
Kenneth L. McMillan University of Texas at Austin
10:30 - 12:00
Decision ProceduresNFM 2023
Chair(s): Swarat Chaudhuri University of Texas at Austin
A Linear Weight Transfer Rule for Local Search
NFM 2023
Md Solimul Chowdhury Carnegie Mellon University, Cayden Codel Carnegie Mellon University, Marijn Heule Carnegie Mellon University
Satisfiability of Non-Linear Transcendental Arithmetic as a Certificate Search Problem
NFM 2023
Enrico Lipparini DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy, Stefan Ratschan The Czech Academy of Sciences
Subtropical Satisfiability for SMT Solving
NFM 2023
Jasper Nalbach RWTH Aachen University, Erika Abraham RWTH Aachen University
Adiar 1.1 : Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams in External Memory
NFM 2023
Steffan Sølvsten Aarhus University, Jaco van de Pol Aarhus University
12:10 - 13:00
Multiagent Systems #2NFM 2023
Chair(s): Ivan Perez NASA Ames Research Center
A Framework for Policy Based Negotiation
NFM 2023
Anna Fritz The University of Kansas, Perry Alexander The University of Kansas
Rewrite-Based Decomposition of Signal Temporal Logic Specifications
NFM 2023
Kevin Leahy MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Makai Mann MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Cristian-Ioan Vasile Lehigh University

Accepted Papers

Adiar 1.1 : Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams in External Memory
NFM 2023
A Framework for Policy Based Negotiation
NFM 2023
A Linear Weight Transfer Rule for Local Search
NFM 2023
A Toolkit for Automated Testing of Dafny
NFM 2023
Automata-Based Software Model Checking of Hyperproperties
NFM 2023
Centralized Multi-Agent Synthesis with Spatial Constraints via Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming
NFM 2023
Code-level Formal Verification of Ellipsoidal Invariant Sets for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems
NFM 2023
Condition Synthesis Realizability via Constrained Horn Clauses
NFM 2023
Conservative Safety Monitors of Stochastic Dynamical Systems
NFM 2023
Formalising Liveness Properties in Event-B with the Reflexive EB4EB Framework
NFM 2023
Formalized High Level Synthesis with Applications to Cryptographic Hardware
NFM 2023
Formalizing Piecewise Affine Activation Functions of Neural Networks in Coq
NFM 2023
Formally Proved Memory Controllers: From the Standards to Silicon
NFM 2023
From Natural Language Requirements to the Verification of Programmable Logic Controllers: Integrating FRET into PLCverif
NFM 2023
Learning Symbolic Timed Models from Concrete Timed Data
NFM 2023
Multi-Objective Task Assignment and Multiagent Planning with Hybrid GPU-CPU Acceleration
NFM 2023
Pre-print Media Attached
Open- and Closed-Loop Neural Network Verification using Polynomial Zonotopes
NFM 2023
Quantitative Verification and Strategy Synthesis for BDI Agents
NFM 2023
Reasoning over Test Specifications using Assume-Guarantee Contracts
NFM 2023
Reasoning with Metric Temporal Logic and Resettable Skewed Clocks
NFM 2023
Reward Shaping from Hybrid Systems Models in Reinforcement Learning
NFM 2023
Rewrite-Based Decomposition of Signal Temporal Logic Specifications
NFM 2023
Satisfiability of Non-Linear Transcendental Arithmetic as a Certificate Search Problem
NFM 2023
Strategy Synthesis in Markov Decision Processes Under Limited Sampling Access
NFM 2023
Subtropical Satisfiability for SMT Solving
NFM 2023
Verification of LSTM Neural Networks with Non-linear Activation Functions
NFM 2023
Verified ALL(*) Parsing with Semantic Actions and Dynamic Input Validation
NFM 2023
Verifying an Aircraft Collision Avoidance Neural Network with Marabou
NFM 2023
Verifying Attention Robustness of Deep Neural Networks against Semantic Perturbations
NFM 2023

Call for Papers

Topics of Interest

We encourage submissions on cross-cutting approaches that bring together formal methods and techniques from other domains such as probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, control theory, robotics, and quantum computing among others.

  • Formal verification, including theorem proving, model checking, and static analysis
  • Advances in automated theorem proving including SAT and SMT solving
  • Use of formal methods in software and system testing
  • Run-time verification
  • Techniques and algorithms for scaling formal methods, such as abstraction and symbolic methods, compositional techniques, as well as parallel and/or distributed techniques
  • Code generation from formally verified models
  • Safety cases and system safety
  • Formal approaches to fault tolerance
  • Theoretical advances and empirical evaluations of formal methods techniques for safety-critical systems, including hybrid and embedded systems
  • Formal methods in systems engineering and model-based development
  • Correct-by-design controller synthesis
  • Formal assurance methods to handle adaptive systems

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission: 6 Jan 2023 (Extended; firm)
  • Paper Submission: 6 Jan 2023 (Extended; firm)
  • Paper Notifications: 6 Mar 2023
  • Camera-ready Papers: 27 Mar 2023
  • Symposium: 16-18 May 2023

Location & Cost

The symposium will take place in the STEM Building at University of Houston Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, USA, 16-18 May 2023.

There will be no registration fee for participants. All interested individuals, including non-US citizens, are welcome to attend, to listen to the talks, and to participate in discussions; however, all attendees must register.

Submission Details

There are two categories of submissions:

  1. Regular papers describing fully developed work and complete results (15 pages + references)
  2. Two categories of short papers: (6 pages + references)
    • Tool Papers describing novel, publicly-available tools
    • Case Studies detailing complete applications of formal methods to real systems with publicly-available artifacts

All papers should be in English and describe original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere. All submissions will be fully reviewed by members of the Programme Committee. Papers will appear in the Formal Methods subline of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and must use LNCS style formatting ([]). Papers must be submitted in PDF format at the EasyChair submission site: [].

NASA Formal Methods does not charge a registration fee. Please fill out this Google Form for registration.

Hotel Reservations

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake for NFM 2023 at the special discounted Rate of $119.00 plus tax per night.

Please book early to receive the best rate as discounted rates are based on availability. The hotel block expires on April 25, 2023. Complimentary Parking and WiFi are included. The guest rooms have spacious waterfront views, and many of the rooms have balconies.


We have reserved parking lots D3 and D4 at UHCL, near the STEM building. You can park in these lots for free — no parking passes are needed for the duration of the conference.

Directions and Campus Map

You can find directions to University of Houston, Clear Lake, and a campus map here.

The online proceedings for NFM 2023 are available at
