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Scala 2017
Sun 22 - Mon 23 October 2017 Vancouver, Canada
co-located with SPLASH 2017
Mon 23 Oct 2017 14:00 - 14:30 at Regency C - Language Design Chair(s): Nada Amin

Algebraic effects are an interesting way to structure effectful programs and offer new modularity properties. We present the Scala library Effekt, which is implemented in terms of a monad for multi-prompt delimited continuations and centered around capability passing. This makes the newly proposed feature of implicit function types a perfect fit for the syntax of our library. Basing the library design on capability passing and a polymorphic embedding of effect handlers furthermore opens up interesting dimensions of extensibility. Preliminary benchmarks comparing Effekt with an established library suggest significant speedups.

Slides (PDF) (talk.pdf)4.43MiB

Mon 23 Oct

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