ECBS 2025
Tue 30 September - Wed 1 October 2025 Ilmenau

Welcome to the website of the 9th International Conference on Engineering of Computer-based Systems. Each year, ECBS brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques, and tools for integrating software, hardware, and communication perspectives of systems engineering through its many facets that include system modelling, artificial intelligence, requirements specification, simulation, architectures, safety, security, reliability, system integration, verification and validation, and project management.

The conference provides a bridge between industry and academia, blending academic research and industrial development.

                     CALL  FOR  PAPERS
         The 9th International Conference on the 
     Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2025)

                  Sept. 30 - Oct. 1st  2025
             Technische Universitaet Ilmenau, 
                    Ilmenau, Germany



The Engineering of Computer-Based Systems conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to present research results, experiences, and challenges in the field of systems and software engineering. Systems and Software Engineering are about applying scientific principles to design, develop, verify, evaluate, and maintain software, while coping with complexity, helping to avoid omissions and invalid assumptions, managing real world changing issues, and producing the most efficient, economic and robust solutions.

Recent developments brought hard- and software-engineering to new complexities which require intensive care and efforts within the development cycle. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) introduced highly appreciated new functionalities and at the same time many questions on the inner operation of such complex systems. Especially, the reasoning on why such systems computed a result is currently of high importance (so-called explainability).

The theme of this year’s ECBS conference is “Engineering of Complex Hard- and Software-Systems”. This theme relates to the new AI/ML components being part of the larger systems as well as the challenges arising when such systems shall be predictable for safety related systems.

We appreciate submissions describing novel research results, tools supporting systems and software engineering, both academic and industrial prototypes, as well as results of applied research and experimental development and evaluations in the fields of systems and software engineering.



All accepted papers are planned to be published by Springer (

Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D work. These papers are assigned a 10-page limit, including references.

Short paper: On-going work, must present factual nontrivial preliminary research results, proofs of concepts, or exploratory studies. Per reviewers’ comments, a “Regular Paper” manuscript may be conditionally accepted as a “Short Paper” should necessary content improvements and length reduction be able to be done in time. These papers are assigned a 6-page limit, including references.

Tool demonstration papers: Submissions describing the design and implementation of a software tool or framework. The tool/framework described in a tool demonstration paper should be available for public use. These papers are assigned a 6-page limit, including references.

Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, open to discussion. These papers are assigned a 2-page limit.

All papers will be subjected to a “single-blind review” by at least three members of the Program Committee. A paper can be rejected or accepted by the Conference Chairs based on the reviews and discussion with the PC members. Borderline papers can be accepted as another type of submission.

Supplementary materials such as links to software implementation and datasets used for experiments may be also submitted but the paper should be self-contained.

Papers should be formatted using Springer conference proceedings template.

All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for ECBS 2025. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as a poster based on the decision of program chairs. The proceedings are planned to be published by Springer.

Papers have to be submitted electronically via EasyChair by the stated deadline:

Submitted papers must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ECBS 2025. In addition, by submitting the paper the authors declare that they agree to the Springer plagiarism policy and procedure.


  • Abstract Submission: February 21, 2025
  • Paper Submission: February 28, 2025
  • Paper Notification: May 15, 2025
  • Registration deadline for authors: June xx, 2025
  • (Payment of registration of authors: xx xx, 2025)
  • Conference: Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2025
  • TBD: Camera-ready Submission: Sept, 1, 2025 (check with Springer)

CONTACT: Questions and inquiries should be sent to: ECBS Conference Chair:

The registration fee will be (around) 200 Euro per accepted paper. The goal is to provide a high-quality, but affordable forum for researchers to present their work.

The best five student papers (main author is either BSc, MSc or PhD student, priority will be given to earlier stage in the education) will be granted free registration to the conference to motivate students for publishing. The decision will be made according to the quality of the papers.

Detailed information and a registration link will follow.