MOBILESoft 2024
Mon 15 Apr 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024

Automated Testing and Maintenance of Mobile Applications: Are We There Yet?

Abstract: Nowadays, we use mobile applications for many of our daily activities, including reading the news, streaming content, and communicating with family and friends. Because mobile applications are used daily by millions of users, it is fundamental to ensure their software quality, both before and after release. To that end, researchers have invested a great deal of effort in developing automated testing and maintenance techniques. However, although potentially useful, most of these techniques have yet to fully demonstrate their practical effectiveness, and testing and maintenance of mobile applications still remain challenging, time-consuming, and human-intensive activities. This talk will provide an overview of past research in automated testing and maintenance of mobile applications, discuss recent techniques, and sketch future research directions that may help address challenges in the areas.

Bio: Dr. Mattia Fazzini is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2019. His research interests lie primarily in the area of software engineering, with emphasis on techniques for improving software quality. The central theme of his research is the development of approaches for testing and maintenance of mobile apps. Dr. Fazzini has published papers in leading software engineering conferences such as ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, and ICST and serves as reviewer for journals and conferences such as TSE, TOSEM, ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, ICST, and MobileSoft. He received the Facebook Testing and Verification award for research on mobile app testing.