Cass Alexandru

Registered user since Mon 16 Dec 2024

Name:Cass Alexandru

I’m a PhD student at the Working Group Programming Languages at the RPTU, supervised by Ralf Hinze. My current research topic is application of category theory to the design of intrinsically correct algorithms, in particular bialgebraic semantics.

More broadly, I’m interested in the application of the full breadth of the theoretical arsenal to the problem of ergonomic use of dependently typed programming languages in practice, including but not limited to: datatype-generic programming, recursion schemes, homotopy type theory, EDSLs, compiler construction, decision procedures, SMT, ATPs, proof/program synthesis

Affiliation:RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Personal website:
Research interests:Category Theory, Dependent Type Theory, Datatype-Generic Programming, Intrinsic Correctness, Categorical Semantics, Algorithmics,
