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CCIW 2021
Mon 12 - Fri 16 April 2021
co-located with ICST 2021
Hugo Sereno Ferreira

Registered user since Thu 18 Mar 2021

Name:Hugo Sereno Ferreira

Hugo Sereno Ferreira has a Ph.D. in Informatics by the Universities of Porto, Aveiro, and Minho in Portugal. Senior Researcher at INESC TEC. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), he has lectured more than 30 different curricular units since 2008. His main research areas (60+ published works) include Large-Scale Software Systems, Meta- and Model-Driven Programming, Software Patterns and Internet of Things; he has supervised 75+ students in these topics.

Affiliation:Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Personal website: http://hugosereno.eu
Research interests:Software Engineering, Internet of Things


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