Registered user since Mon 28 Mar 2022
Name:Maria Angela Ferrario
Expertise in both Software Engineering (SE) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI), with focus on human-centric aspects of SE, participatory approaches to software systems design, and responsible practices of software development.
- PhD in On-line Intelligent Systems, Computing Dept. UCD, Dublin, Ireland.
- MSc in Multimedia Systems, Engineering Dept., Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- BA/MA in Philosophy and Social Psychology, Universita’ Cattolica, Milan, Italy.
- 2021, Senior Lecturer, EEECS, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- 2016, Lecturer, SCC, Lancaster University, UK
- 2014, Research Fellow, SCC, Lancaster University, UK
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:Queen's University Belfast
Personal website: https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/maria-angela-ferrario
Research interests:human-centric SE, human values and SE, responsible tech
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