CHASE 2025
Sun 27 - Mon 28 April 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2025

CHASE is the premier venue for research on cooperative and human aspects of software engineering. Since 2008, the CHASE conference has provided a forum to discuss research results long before “human values” started to draw attention in the mainstream software engineering community, including empirical findings, theoretical models, and research methods and tools for studying human and cooperative aspects in software engineering. CHASE seeks to bring together academic and practitioner communities interested in this area. Now in its 18th edition, CHASE 2025 will be co-located with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) in Ottawa Canada.

People vary widely with respect to their personality traits, emotional and cognitive style, technical knowledge, and other demographic variables including age, gender, and cultural background. Software projects require effective communication and collaboration of many people. The CHASE conference seeks to grow a body of knowledge on the important role of people in software development, how people cooperate, collaborate to design and develop software systems, and how these processes can be improved.

CHASE solicits high-quality research studies using any research method that is appropriate for the purpose, that seek to learn about cooperative and human aspects of software engineering. While CHASE acknowledges the important role of technology in the socio-technical discipline that software engineering is, the focus lies on the human aspects, not the technology.

CHASE 2025 will be held on Sun 27 and Mon 28 April 2025.