Registered user since Tue 5 Dec 2017
Name:Francisco Servant
Country:United States
Affiliation:Virginia Tech
Personal website: http://www.fservant.com
Research interests:software engineering, software development productivity, software quality, software evolution, mining software repositories, software visualization
- Chair in Program Committee within the DEMO - Demonstrations-track
- Session Chair of 3.3. Evolution 3 (part of DEMO - Demonstrations)
- Session Chair of 3.6.4. Security Vulnerabilities: General Issues #2 (part of Technical Track)
- Demonstrations Co-Chair in Organizing Committe
- Session Chair of 2.6.2. Q&A in Online Platforms: Stack Overflow #1 (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of 4.3.3. Code Review: Readability and Refactoring (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of 3.2. Testing 1 (part of DEMO - Demonstrations)
- Session Chair of 2.2. Verification (part of DEMO - Demonstrations)
- What helped, and what did not? An Evaluation of the Strategies to Improve Continuous Integration
- CIBench: A Dataset and Collection of Techniques for Build and Test Selection and Prioritization in Continuous Integration
ICSE 2021-profile
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